Normandy Rules Clarifications and Errata
The official Breakout:
Normandy rulebook (available here in two PDF files,
part 1,
8.4MB and
part 2, 6.5MB) is quite well written as rulebooks go, but does
have instances where clarifications or corrections are helpful. Several
clarifications were published in Avalon Hill's General magazine
a few years ago and gamers consider these to be official amendments. In
addition, Don Greenwood has issued a few rulings via Consimworld and other
means, and these are generally treated as official as well. Alan Applebaum
kindly supplied a list of rules questions and answers accumulated during
and after his period as GM at AvalonCon, and these are included here.
Alan tells me most if not all of the Qs & As were discussed with and
approved by Don Greenwood. Tom Pavy listed several rules clarifications
on his PBeM Ladder
website and these too are included here.
Rule 3.4
Q. The arrows between the Beach Approach Boxes and the Beaches point in
both directions. May units move/regroup from a Beach to a Beach Approach
A. No. So called "Beach evacuations" are forbidden during all
turn phases of the game. Once units land on a Beach they may not be redeployed
to another Beach. (Tom Pavy's PBeM Ladder website and Alan Applebaum's
Q&A list. See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 6.2
Q. If both players have a choice of placement for reinforcements, who
has to commit himself first?
A. The German player. (General, volume 29, number 3, p.
62. See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rules 6.2, 6.5
and 19.5
Q. If the Allies vacate Merville or St. Mere Église in the Regroup
Phase, leaving it uncontested and in German control, what happens to the
reinforcing Airborne unit dropped there on the 7th?
A. Since it would have to assault without benefit of an impulse, it is
not allowed. The reinforcement would have to go to the Offshore Box instead
and could land only over the beaches and only on or after the 8th. (See
Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rules 6.2 and 8.5
Q. During the night of June 6, the British 6/3 and 6/5 parachute units
regroup to Sword Beach, leaving Merville to the German Coastal Artillery
unit. In the Dawn Phase of June 7 the 6/6 glider unit arrives in Merville.
Is it a Mandatory Assault and if so, do the Allies get the +1 air power
AV modifier?
A. The glider Assault is not possible in these circumstances. The glider
unit must go to the Offshore Box as explained in the previous
clarification item.
Rule 8.5 says "Only Fresh units that started the impulse in the Active
Area may Assault." This implies an Assault may only be conducted
during an impulse. Since the glider unit cannot Assault, it cannot land
at all. (Consimworld Breakout: Normandy folder,
#1471-1477, October 30-31, 2001)
Rule 6.3
Q. Does the Daylight Phase end immediately after a failed Sunset DR, or
may the Allied player finish that impulse first?
A. The latter. The Allied player could even declare a Double Impulse after
seeing that the Sunset DR will end the day at the end of the current impulse.
(General, volume 29, number 3, p. 62. See also Don Greenwood's
official FAQ and
Errata listing.)
Q. Can the Allied
player make a Sunset DR early in his impulse, solely for the purpose of
determining whether the day ends or the weather changes, and then continue
to move units and/or make Assaults?
A. If you roll the dice solely to determine day-end/weather changes, you
have ended your impulse. You may not then continue to make an Assault.
If you apply logic to the situation, the rules as written are correct
... the "first" attack dice roll doubles as the day-end dice
roll. Therefore if you make a day-end dice roll which is not an attack,
you have declared your impulse over without attacks - because you can
no longer make another attack dice roll which is the "first"
dice roll - having already taken it. (Statement by Don Greenwood in Consimworld
Breakout: Normandy folder, #1946, June 23, 2002)
Rule 6.3 and 11.23
Q. If an Assault dice roll which otherwise would end the current day kills
enough units to earn daylight drms sufficient to alter that nightfall
point to a number higher than the assault dice roll, does the day end?
A. Yes. (See Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.
Rule 6.4
Errata. The last sentence should read: "Any isolated German unit
at the end of the German Refit Phase must make a Surrender dr (12.8)."
(General, volume 29, number 3, p. 62. See also Don Greenwood's
official FAQ and
Errata listing.)
Rule 7.1
Q. May units move through a fully-stacked Area if they end movement in
a different Area? If two adjacent Areas each contain ten friendly units,
can any of the units switch places during the Regroup Phase? May two Corps
Artillery units in adjacent Areas switch places during the Regroup Phase?
A. No. No. No. See also the last sentence of Rule 8.33. (Alan Applebaum's
Q&A list. See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 8.22
Q. Following an overrun in the Active Area, may the overrunning units
seize bridges bordering the Active Area as though the Area were initially
Free? May units which did not participate in the overrun attack do so?
A. Yes in each case, but all units have spent 1 or 2 MF prior to
the seizure attempts, not just the overrunning units. (Alan Applebaum's
Q&A list.)
Q. If the Active
Area is cleared without achieving an overrun, may the assaulting units
seize bridges? May non-Assaulting units seize bridges?
A. No. Yes, after paying 1 or 2 MF. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list. See
also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Q. Following an overrun
in the Active Area, may the moving player repair bridges bordering the
Active Area?
A. No. Bridge repair takes place before movement/Assault. A player could,
however, declare a double impulse and repair the bridges in the second
part of the double impulse. Please note also that if the Active Area was
friendly-controlled at the start of the Impulse, the moving player could
attempt to repair the bridges prior to movement/Assault. (Alan Applebaum's
Q&A list.)
Rule 8.221
Q. Rule 8.221 states that "All other units crossing a bridge
successfully seized in the same impulse by this method must pay
the extra MF expended in the seizure attempt". However, example of
play #10 says "The Armor unit may not enter Verson because the attempt
to seize that bridge by the 56th will require an additional one MF from
every unit crossing during this impulse." Must the attempt be successful
in order for this constraint to apply, or not?
A. Unsuccessful bridge seizure attempts costs 1 MF only to the unit attempting
the seizure, whereas a successful bridge seizure attempt costs 1 MF for
every unit crossing it. (Statement by Don Greenwood in Consimworld Breakout:
Normandy folder, #1650 and #1667, December 18-20, 2001)
Q. The last sentence
says that rivers must be crossed to gain control of them. Does this mean
that if friendly units seize a bridge, the enemy remains in control of
the river until either infantry units successfully cross the river or
friendly units control the Areas on both sides of the river?
A. No. If friendly units successfully seize a bridge, the entire boundary
between the two Areas becomes friendly, per Example of Play 11. (Alan
Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 8.23
Q. If the Germans exit a Contested Area, making the Area friendly to the
Allies, can the Germans, in the same impulse, still destroy bridges between
the exited Area and adjoining Allied-controlled Areas?
A. Yes. Bridge demolition modifiers are determined at the start of the
impulse, so the modifier applicable to the exited Area due to its being
"Contested" would still apply, even though at the moment of
demolition both sides were friendly to the Allies. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A
Rule 8.31
Q. May units which start in the Active Area combine for an Assault in
another Area if some, but not all, of the Assaulting units participated
in an overrun in a third Area?
A. Yes. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 8.34
Errata. The first sentence should read: "Non-Armor units starting
their impulse in a Contested Area may only move into a Free Area and
must end their movement there." (General, volume
29, number 3, p. 62. See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Q. Can armor units
enter, then exit an Area containing non-Armor enemy units only in a single
impulse if they enter from and exit to Free Areas and they have enough
A. Not without an overrun. See 3rd sentence of 8.33. (Alan Applebaum's
Q&A list.)
Rule 8.35
Q. May artillery and FLAK/PAK enter a Contested Area using an Optional
Assault (no Assault DR) unaccompanied by a Point Unit even if none of
the units already in the Contested Area are point units?
A. Yes. Any friendly unit already in the Area will permit later entry
by non-point units. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 8.371 and
Q. Can five units cross a bridge, assault and return back across the same
bridge if they win the assault?
A. No. (Reported ruling by Don Greenwood, as stated in Consimworld Breakout:
Normandy folder, #1847, May 17, 2002. See also #2139-2142, September
6-9, 2002)
Rule 8.372
Q. Can an Allied unit regroup from a Contested Area to a Free Area if
the Allies control neither the riverline between the two Areas nor the
bridge across that riverline? Can an Allied unit in a Contested Area receive
supply from a Depot in a Free Area if the Allies control neither the riverline
between the two Areas nor the bridge across that riverline?
A. No. Yes. (Statement by Don Greenwood (#1667) in Consimworld Breakout:
Normandy folder, #1636-1671, December 15-20, 2001)
Rule 8.4
Q. If a number of German units are moving during clear weather, may the
Air Interdiction drs be made in any order or must one unit complete its
movement before Interdiction drs are made for other units?
A. Any order. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Q. If the Germans
declare a Double Impulse, does Fresh FLAK screen movement of other units
during the first impulse even if the FLAK moves during the second impulse?
A. Yes. The answer really has nothing to do with the fact that it is a
Double Impulse. Even in a normal Impulse, a unit could move out of its
starting Area and then back into it and derive protection from a Fresh
FLAK unit in that Area which will also move in that Impulse. The unit
is Fresh until it actually moves. Therefore, it can protect other units
moving out of its Area until such time as it actually moves. (Alan Applebaum's
Q&A list. See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 8.51
Q. Is an Allied attack on a Beach from an Area other than that Beach's
Approach Box a Mandatory Assault if Allied units are present but the Beach
Fortification is not destroyed?
A. No, but the +2 DV modifier still applies for the Germans. (Alan Applebaum's
Q&A list.)
Rule 8.511
Q. There aren't enough bridge markers! What are the bridgeless river markers
used for?
A. There are if you remove Allied bridge markers between Allied controlled
Areas where they become unnecessary as instructed by the rules. People
who run out of bridge markers are usually ignoring either this rule or
the restriction against blowing bridges with no enemy in an adjacent Area.
The river markers without bridges are used to mark successful Allied river
crossings of boundaries without a bridge so that if they cross that boundary
again they need not make a Mandatory Assault. (General,
volume 29, number 3, p. 62. See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Q. Is bridge possession
automatic if both adjacent Areas are friendly, or must a moving unit still
seize it during an Assault Impulse?
A. Possession is automatic. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Q. If a German-owned
bridge is seized, then destroyed by the Allies, is the river section crossed
by that bridge Allied-controlled?
A. Yes. It should be so indicated with an I-River marker. (Alan Applebaum's
Q&A list. See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Q. If the Allies
successfully cross the river line from Port-en-Bessin to Trevieres, does
the entire river line (that is, including the portion between Trevieres
and Omaha Beach) become friendly to the Allies? Does the Omaha/Trevieres
bridge automatically become friendly?
A. No. No. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 8.53
Q. Can an artillery unit support a subsequent attack following an Overrun
(a) if it could not support the Overrun because it was not adjacent to
the Area in which the Overrun occurred? (b) if it could have participated
in, but chose not to participate in the Overrun attack? (c) if the subsequent
attack does not include any units participating in the Overrun? (d) if
it has already supported another attack following the Overrun?
A. (a) Yes. (b) Yes. (c) No. (d) Yes, provided that the second attack
achieved an Overrun result as well. An artillery unit can join in to support
Overrunning units anytime. They do not have to be part of the initial
attack force. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list. See also Consimworld Breakout:
Normandy folder, #1947-1950, June 24-25, 2002. See also Don Greenwood's
official FAQ and
Errata listing.)
Q. Can an artillery unit supporting
an assault into bocage continue to support other asssaults by units elsewhere
during the same impulse?
A. No. Since Overruns cannot occur in bocage, any artillery that supports
an assault into bocage cannot support other assaults later in the same
Impulse. (See Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 8.54
Q. Can units in an Active Contested Area exit that Area before any Assault
in that Area is resolved so as to avoid a 1 or 2 MF penalty for leaving
the Area after it has been Assaulted?
A. Yes. However, in doing so, they forfeit the possibility of avoiding
the "Exit of Enemy-Occupied Area" restrictions should the subsequent
Assault eliminate all defenders in the active Area. (General,
volume 29, number 3, p. 62. See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 9.1 and 9.2
Q. Should individual brigades like the British 56th Infantry or the Canadian
2nd Armored Brigade be considered part of a division for Divisional Integrity
or the ability to call in Divisional Artillery Support?
A. No. (General, volume 29, number 3, p. 62. See also Don
Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Q. If a Wehrmacht
artillery unit supports an Assault by SS units, but no other Wehrmacht
units participate (or vice versa), is 1 subtracted from the German AV?
If SS and Wehrmacht artillery combine in a bombardment, is 1 subtracted
from the German AV?
A. Yes. Yes. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list. See also Don Greenwood's
official FAQ and
Errata listing.)
Rule 9.3
Q. Is a unit's disruption level subtracted from the total DV even if it
is greater than the unit's inherent defense?
A. Yes. For example, a 0-DV unit which is D2, defending in a +1 TEM Area
has a total DV of -1. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 9.41 and 9.61
Q. Does retreat after an Optional Assault reduce attacker losses?
A. No. All Assaulting units in a failed Assault become D1. (General,
volume 29, number 3, p. 62. See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Q. If the German is
crossing into an enemy-controlled, Uncontested Area and some units fail
their interdiction drs and cannot enter, must the units which passed their
interdiction drs still make the Mandatory Assault alone?
A. Yes. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Q. Do German units
which attempt to cross a bridge, but fail their interdiction drs, count
against the 5-unit limit on bridge crossings?
A. No. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Q. If an Optional
Assault fails, do Field Artillery units accompanying the Assaulting units
become D1?
A. No. Other units which entered the Area in the same impulse but did
not participate in the Assault also are not D1. See Rule 8.52. (Alan Applebaum's
Q&A list.)
Q. Rule 9.41 says
that units losing a Mandatory Assault (other than Amphibious Assaulting
units) must retreat. If the Allies lose their Amphibious Assault on a
Beach, subsequent Assaults on that Beach from the Beach Approach Box are
Mandatory Assaults. What happens to units losing a Mandatory Assault on
a Beach during such a subsequent attack?
A. They also do not retreat, and become D1 on the Beach along with the
Amphibious Assaulting units. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 9.42
Q. If a Mandatory Assault across an enemy-held bridge results in a stalemate
and the attacker elects to retreat, does the attacker still get possession
of the bridge?
A. Yes (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 9.61
Q. May the attacker voluntarily retreat if he wins?
A. No.
Q. May the defender on a Beach voluntarily retreat if no Assault DR is
made due to Coastal Interdiction?
A. No. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 9.62
Q. If the defender opts to take a voluntary retreat from an Assault in
which no CPs were inflicted on the defender, must the first unit to retreat
be the primary defender?
A. No. Since the primary defender had to pay no CP losses it would be
under no obligation to be the first unit to retreat in a voluntary retreat.
(Alan Applebaum's Q&A list. See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rules 9.62 and 21.5
Q. If the only assaulting unit is interdicted and becomes D1 without
an assault dice roll, can the defenders take a voluntary retreat?
A. No. Since no assault takes place, there can be no voluntary
retreat. However, David Levy has pointed out to me that the answer given in
Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing is "Yes" and this seems to be inconsistent
with the answer to (and explanation of) the same question under his FAQ
"19.4" (also reported below under "19.4
and 21.5".
See also Consimworld Breakout: Normandy folder, #4288,
July 14, 2004).
Rules 9.63 and 9.66
Q. Since it takes all MF to cross an unbridged river, can an infantry
unit whose only retreat route is across a friendly, unbridged river and
into a fully stacked Area continue to retreat further?
A. Yes. Retreats are not restricted by MF. (See Don Greenwood's
official FAQ and
Errata listing.)
Rule 9.64
Q. Can U.S. units retreat into British-controlled Areas and vice versa?
A. Yes. They could even change the control of that Area per Rule 7.3.(Alan
Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Q. Is an Area physically
adjacent to another Area, but separated by an impassable flooded boundary
(no bridge symbol), still treated as "adjacent" for the purpose
of determining retreat priorities?
A. Yes. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Q. When an area becomes
fully stacked, must units continue to retreat through it rather than into
an adjacent area which happens to be adjacent to more enemy controlled
A. No. (See Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 9.66
Q. Assume five units land, move through a controlled Beach Area, and then
lose a Mandatory Assault into an enemy-controlled Area. If the Beach Area
can accept only two more units before becoming fully stacked, what happens
to the other three?
A. They would be eliminated unless there is another Allied-controlled
or Contested Area which they can retreat directly into. (General,
volume 29, number 3, p. 62. (See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Q. May units retreating
from a failed Mandatory Assault retreat into the Beach Approach Box if
the Beach is overstacked?
A. No. They are eliminated if they have no other legal retreat and would
be overstacked. If not overstacked, they remain D1 on the Beach. (Alan
Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Q. If an infantry
unit's only retreat is across an unbridged river, and the Area to which
it retreats is fully-stacked, may it retreat further?
A. Yes. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Q. May more than
five units retreat across a bridge?
A. No. If more than 5 non-infantry units must retreat across a bridge
over a river, or more than 5 units of any type must retreat across a bridge
over a flooded boundary, the excess are eliminated. (Alan Applebaum's
Q&A list.)
Rule 10.12
Q. Can a bombardment target a D2 unit?
A. Yes. The bombardment will do no damage to the D2 unit, but any APs
inflicted will "slide off" and must be applied to other units
in the area that are not yet D2. The defender would choose which additional
unit(s) are affected so long as the APs inflicted are fully used. This,
by the way, is not just an ad hoc ruling, but was fully the intent
of the design. The shielding of artillery from bombardments was never
meant to be absolute .... it's shielding was limited to being selected
as the primary target only to simulate the difficulty of finding such
hidden targets. When affected by additional APs sliding off the primary
target it is assumed to have been hit by counter battery fire as a result
of evoking a reaction to the main bombardment. (Ruling by Don Greenwood
as reported in Consimworld Breakout: Normandy folder, #3162,
May 14, 2003. See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 10.3
Q. Do Fresh Allied Field Artillery units in an Area being bombarded by
the German Le Havre Batteries increase the Defense Value of that Area?
A. Yes. (Tom Pavy's PBeM Ladder website and Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 10.4
Q. Does a Spent Coastal Artillery unit absorb one or two APs?
A. Two. (General, volume 29, number 3, p. 62. (See also
Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 10.12
Q. If all non-artillery units in a bombardment target Area are D2, may
a field artillery unit be designated as the primary target?
A. No, but the effect is similar because artillery units in the target
Area must absorb all damage inflicted by the bombardment. In practice,
the only difference is that the attacker cannot choose which of several
artillery units will be the primary target. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A
Q. Can a field Artillery
unit be designated as the primary target of Naval/Air bombardment if there
are other unit types in the Area?
A. No. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Q. Can a D2 unit
be designated as the primary target of a bombardment even if there are
non-D2, non-artillery units in the target Area -- for example, so that
a single AP inflicted would have to be applied to an artillery unit rather
than an Armor unit?
A. Yes. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 11.22
Q. Can the Allies achieve a Sunset DRM change through elimination of 3
or more German units during the Amphibious Assault Phase of D-Day? Do
the Allies regain the Advantage if 3 or more German units are eliminated
in a single Refit Phase via Isolation drs?
A. No to both. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 11.23
Q. In what sense does the Sunset DRM "not affect Weather Changes"?
A. There are four cases to consider. (1) If the Sunset DRM is negative
and the Sunset DR equals the current impulse number plus the Sunset DRM,
the weather would not change and the current Daylight Phase would continue.
(2) If the Sunset DRM is negative and the Sunset DR equals the current
impulse number, the weather would not change because the current Daylight
Phase would end. (3) If the Sunset DRM is positive and the Sunset DR equals
the current impulse number, the weather would change and the current Daylight
Phase would continue. Finally, (4) if the Sunset DRM is positive and the
Sunset DR equals the current impulse number minus the Sunset DRM, the
weather would not change and the current Daylight Phase would continue.
Q. If the day would
have ended on an Allied Assault DR but that DR gives the Allies a Sunset
DRM increase that would, if in place before the DR, have let the day continue,
does the day still end?
A. Yes. Changes to the Sunset DR only affect subsequent DRs. (Alan Applebaum's
Q&A list.)
Rule 11.24
Q. Can the Sunset DRM change by more than 3 during a Double Impulse? Can
the Allies combine German casualties from both portions of a double impulse
to gain the benefits of destroying 3 or more German units?
A. No. Yes, per 11.22. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list. (See also Don Greenwood's
official FAQ and
Errata listing.)
Rule 11.4
Q. Can an Area be entered during the second part of a Double Impulse
if it was Assaulted during the first part?
A. No. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Q. Can an Area be
Assaulted during the second part of a Double Impulse by units starting
the Double Impulse in that Area if that Area was Assaulted during the
first part?
A. No. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Q. Can an Area be
Assaulted during the second part of a Double Impulse if it was Bombarded
during the first part?
A. Only by units already Contesting the Area at the start of the Impulse.
Rule 11.4 says you cannot enter in the second impulse an Area attacked
in the first impulse. The bombardment counts as an "attack"
for this purpose, but you can Assault the Area as long as you do not "enter"
it. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list. The issue remained controversial for
quite a while. See Consimworld Breakout: Normandy folder,
#1914-1917, June 15, 2002; #2291-2295 and #2299, November 7, 2002; 3041,
3044, 3047, 3049, 3050, 3054 and 3055, April 29, 2003. However, Don Greenwood
has now included the ruling formally in the official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Q. Following an overrun,
can a player declare a Double Impulse and combine the overrunning units
with units from another Area in a second Assault?
A. Yes. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list. See also Consimworld Breakout:
Normandy folder, #2289, November 6, 2002 and #5291, August 28, 2005
when Don Greenwood removes any doubt about the interpretation of this
rule, stating: "...the Allied player can see the result of the first
assault ... before declaring a Double Impulse".)
Q. Can a player activate
one Free Area, repair bridges on the boundaries of that Area, use the
Advantage to declare a Double Impulse, activate another Free Area, and
move units through the first Area and across one or more of the newly
repaired bridges?
A. Yes. Why not?
Rule 11.6
Q. Suppose a player possesses and decides to use the Advantage. What happens
to the Advantage in the middle of that Impulse, after it has been used
by the player but before the impulse has ended and the advantage is reassigned
to his opponent?
A. Once a player (the "Using Player") uses the Advantage, play
during the remainder of that impulse (or Double Impulse) proceeds as though
neither side had the Advantage. For example, the Using Player may not
use the advantage to require a re-roll if he used it to declare a Double
Impulse. Also, if the Advantage has been used in an Impulse, the Sunset
DRM shift applicable upon destruction of enemy units is calculated as
though the defender did not have it, regardless of who used it -- that
is, there is no "absorption" of a Sunset DRM change by the defender,
regardless of who used the Advantage during the Impulse. For example,
if the Allies have the Advantage, roll an Assault DR, use the Advantage
to re-roll it and destroy 3 German units with the re-roll, the Allies
may still modify the Sunset DRM by 1 because the Germans, not yet having
the Advantage, cannot use it to "absorb" the Sunset DRM modifier.
The Germans still get the Advantage at the end of the impulse, however.
If the Germans had the advantage and an Allied Assault destroyed 3 German
units, the German choice is: accept the result and lose the Advantage
(with no Sunset DRM change), or require a re-roll. If the Germans do force
a re-roll, they lose the Advantage regardless of the result of the re-roll,
and if 3 or more German units are destroyed in the re-roll, the Allies
may now modify the Sunset DRM as well. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.
See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 12.5
Q. If a unit is to be supplied across an unbridged river bordering the
Area containing the unit, does that river have to be friendly?
A. No. However, no supply is possible across a flooded boundary if the
bridge is not friendly. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Q. Is an Allied unit
in supply if it is separated from its Depot by an Area controlled by the
other Allied army?
A. Yes. The Depot cannot be placed in, nor may its route to the supplying
Beach be traced through, an Area controlled by the other Allied army.
The same supply cost would be paid as would be paid if the Area(s) between
the Depot and the unit were Controlled by the army being supplied. The unit is "in supply"
for VP purposes. (Alan Applebaum's revised Q&A list. See also
Consimworld Breakout: Normandy folder, #4290-4292, July
15, 2004.)
Q. This rule says that a supply
line consists of a chain of friendly areas, whether or not contested.
Can a German depot be placed in an Area to which there is a supply line
even if that supply line contains friendly contested Areas?
A. No. The rule prohibiting the Allies from tracing a supply line from
a beach to the depot through contested Areas applies to the Germans as
well. (See Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing, FAQ "12.5".)
Rule 12.51
Q. Can two Depots combine to refit a unit if neither Depot has enough
supply points remaining to refit the unit alone?
A. Yes, but the unit will require the same number of supply points to
refit as would have been required if the unit had been refitted solely
by the supplying Depot requiring the highest expenditure. (Alan Applebaum's
Q&A list.)
Rule 12.61 and
Q. Is it true that the Germans can trace a supply line from a Depot through
German-controlled but Contested Areas to a Zone, but the Allies cannot
trace a supply line from a Depot through Allied-controlled but Contested
Areas to a Beach?
A. No this is not true. A strict reading of the two rules seems to imply
the answer is yes. However, Alan Applebaum's Q&A list says the answer
is no and so does Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.
See FAQ "12.5".
Rule 12.71
Q. What happens to the supply of a beach which is German controlled and
A. It ceases to exist until the day after that beach is again controlled
by the Allies. (See Don Greenwood's statement in the Consimworld Breakout:
Normandy folder, #3475, September 6, 2003. See also Don's official
FAQ and Errata
Q. If the Germans
regain control of a Beach which is subsequently Contested (but not yet
controlled) by the Allies, can the Allies use a Depot in that Beach to
supply units in that Beach Area?
A. No. (Previously answered 'yes' in the General, volume
29, number 3, p. 62. Subsequently changed by Don Greenwood. See Don's
statement in the Consimworld Breakout: Normandy folder,
#3475, September 6, 2003. See also Don's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Q. If an Allied Beach
never becomes controlled by the Allies and a German attack clears all
Allied units off that Beach, does this constitute "regaining control"
of the Beach? If not, the Allies presumably get supply from the Beach
as soon as they can re-enter and Contest it. If so,the Allies presumably
lose the Depot for that day.
A. The rules indicate
the placement of the Depot is prevented only if the Allies gained control
of the Area and subsequently lost it ("the Germans regain control
of a Beach"). If the Allies never gained control, the ability to
place a Depot cannot be taken away. (See Consimworld Breakout:
Normandy folder, #3033 and 3040, April 28, 2003.)
Q. Can U.S. supply
lines be traced through British-controlled Areas and vice versa?
A. The supply line from the Depot to the unit being supplied may be traced
through the allies' controlled Areas, but the supply line from the Beach
to the Depot may not. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Q. What happens when
a British beach is controlled by the Americans, or vice versa?
A. The depot could not be placed in or traced to that beach, but the supplies
could still be banked for use in buying an impulse. (See Consimworld Breakout:
Normandy folder, #2314-2316, November 9, 2002 and Don Greenwood's
official ruling in #3475 on September 6, 2003. See also Don's official
FAQ and Errata
Q. If, say, American
units are in a British controlled area, does it affect the Refit of American
A. Only in that the American Depot cannot be placed in a British Area,
so it will cost more to Refit those American units. (See Consimworld Breakout:
Normandy folder, #3041-3042, April 29, 2003.)
Q. If a beach is German controlled
and uncontested anytime after June 6th can it be amphibiously assulted
again? Can it be Amphibiously assaulted in a subsequent impulse of June
A. No to the first question and yes to the second. (See Don Greenwood's
statement in the Consimworld Breakout: Normandy folder,
#3475, September 6, 2003. See also Don's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 12.9
Q. Can more than one Air Supply die roll be pre-designated to the same
unit to increase the chance of a refit?
A. No. (General, volume 29, number 3, p. 62. See also Don
Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Q. Does a single successful
Air Supply die roll refit a disrupted unit?
A. Yes, by one level. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 13
Q. Can US units regroup into British-controlled Areas and vice versa?
Can units regroup from a Contested Area?
A. Yes. Yes. (General, volume 29, number 3, p. 62. See also
Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 14
Q. Do the arrows on the board between Zones and Areas labeled "ALL",
which point in both directions, mean that it takes all MF to move in both
A. No. It takes all MF to enter a Zone, but not to exit one. (Alan Applebaum's
Q&A list.)
Rule 14.1
Q. Can units be regrouped from a free zone to an adjacent contested zone?
From a free area to an adjacent contested zone?
A. No. No. (See Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 14.4
Q. Does a move into an Uncontested enemy-occupied Zone require a Mandatory
A. Yes. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 15.2
Q. If all Allied units on a Beach become D1 after an unsuccessful Amphibious
Assault, but any become Spent during the Refit Phase, is the Beach Fortification
A. Yes. (General, volume 29, number 3, p. 62. See also Don
Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rules 16.1, 17.2
and 17.3
Q. Can a Field Artillery unit be the primary target of Naval/Air bombardment
if there are other defending unit types in the Target Area?
A. No, per Rule 10.12. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 16.11 and
Q. Are there any "Friendly Fire" effects from artillery or naval
A. No, only from Air Bombardment. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 16.12
Q. May an artillery unit support Assaults into more than one Area during
a single impulse, assuming that a unit of its division is present in each
such Assault?
A. No, except as permitted following an overrun per Rule 8.53. (Alan Applebaum's
Q&A list.)
Rule 19.2
Q. Do reinforcements scheduled to arrive in a zone still do so if it is
A. Yes. (See Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 19.3
Q. Reinforcements cannot land at a German-controlled, Uncontested Beach
Area. Does this mean that if the initial landing units are destroyed,
remaining D-Day units in the Beach Approach Box may not land at that Beach?
A. Yes, these units are treated as reinforcements per Rule 21.5 and therefore
cannot land until the Allies Contest the Beach from another Area. (Alan
Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 19.4 and 21.5
Q. The rule states that Reinforcements that suffer interdiction rolls
equal to the interdiction level become Spent on the Beach. Does this apply
to units which had to make a Mandatory Assault?
A. If all the landing Reinforcements become Spent or D1 due to interdiction,
and the Beach Fortification is still standing so that a Mandatory Assault
is required, no Assault DR may be made and all such units become D1 whether
or not they were D1 due to the interdiction. However, any Reinforcements
which become Spent due to interdiction do not become D1 if: (1) they were
part of a wave that included at least one unit that was not Spent or D1
due to interdiction and (2) accordingly, an Assault DR was made that resulted
in a Stalemate or a victory for the attacker. As Don says: "'If the
[interdiction dr] is equal to the interdiction value, the unit becomes
Spent in the beach area...' However, if all the other units making a mandatory
assault in that impulse lose the assault - or there are no uninterdicted
units left to even make the assault, all landing units are D1 - not spent."
(Alan Applebaum's Q&A list and Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Q. Can 1/919 retreat off Utah
if the attacker is stopped by interdiction so no assault roll is made?
A. No. 19.4 defines a spent or disrupted unit as incapable of attack so
no assault has occurred and the defender cannot therefore take a voluntary
retreat. (See Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 19.5
Q. Can D-Day units redeploy to another Beach if they fail to land on D-Day?
A. Yes, but only after June 7. At least one unit must land on the pre-designated
Beach per Rule 21.5. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Q. Can June 7 paratroopers
land in their designated Areas if the Areas are German-controlled and
A. No. They must land via the Beach Approach Boxes on June 8. (Alan Applebaum's
Q&A list.)
Rule 20
Q. The Allies have a +2 construction marker on the 16/15 bridge, Allies
control 16, Germans control 15 and the Germans control the 16/15 boundary.
The Germans counterattack from 14 and manage to clear 16. What happens
to the construction marker now that the boundary it occupies has enemy
controlled/Uncontested Areas on both sides?
A. The results of the Allied construction work remain in place until and
unless they are destroyed by the Allies, which Rule 20.4 says they can
do at any time. In particular, the construction work is still there if
and when the Allies re-take Bretteville. If the Germans attempt to repair
the bridge, they too can take advantage of the partial construction work
that was done previously, provided the Allies do not remove their construction
marker. While the Allies can destroy their construction work at any time,
it is at least conceivable (albeit unlikely) they might not want to. Once
the Germans take control of Bretteville, they are of course no longer
entitled to demolish the bridge (or the partially reconstructed bridge)
because they control both Areas. Their options are (1) to leave the crossing
in its demolished, partially reconstructed state or (2) to repair it fully
and reclaim the bridge as their own. Rule 20.4 implies that if the Germans
roll to repair a bridge and it has an Allied construction marker on it,
the Allies can wait to see the results of the dr before deciding whether
to remove their marker. In principle, the Germans can benefit from the
Allied marker if the Allies choose not to remove it, unlikely though that
may be. (Consimworld Breakout: Normandy folder, #1681-1687,
December 31, 2001 - January 1, 2002)
Rule 20.1
Q. Does a bridge controlled by a side contesting - but not controlling
- the area on one side of that bridge lose control of that bridge automatically
if it loses control of the other side of the bridge?
A. No - contrary to 20.1 - which should refer to both Areas becoming Free
rather than just "friendly controlled". (See Don's statement
in the Consimworld Breakout: Normandy folder, #3475, September
6, 2003. See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ and Errata listing.)
Rule 20.21
Q. If both Areas surrounding a destroyed bridge are friendly, is the bridge
automatically rebuilt?
A. No. Although no die roll will be needed to rebuild the bridge if a
+6 drm applies, it is still necessary to activate one of the Areas adjacent
to the bridge (or spend a supply point during the Refit Phase) to remove
the destroyed bridge marker. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Q. Say the Allies
control Area 16, the Germans control Area 15 and bridge 15/16 is destroyed.
If the Germans try to repair the bridge and it already has an Allied +1
Construct marker on it, do the Germans get the benefit of the existing
Construct marker's drm on their repair attempt?
A. No. Assuming their attempt failed, both sides would have a +1 Construct
marker on the bridge site. (See Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 20.22
Q. Does a Construct marker which is the target of a bombardment absorb
exactly 1 AP?
A. Yes, per Rule 10.4. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 20.23
Q. During the Refit Phase, can a player supply/refit units across a bridge
which was just repaired in the same Refit Phase, even if that bridge was
part of the only supply line to the unit?
A. Yes. In fact, the active player could defer placing an additional Depot
until seeing the results of the repair attempt. (Alan Applebaum's Q&A
Rule 21.5
Q. If an amphibious Assaulting unit becomes "D1" due to Coastal
Artillery Interdiction, does it become "D2" if the Amphibious
Assault fails?
A. No. (General, volume 29, number 3, p. 62. See also Don
Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 21.5 and 21.6
Q. If the initial Allied landing on a particular Beach is repulsed leaving
the Allied units at D1 and German Fortifications intact, and if another
Allied unit Assaults the Beach later on June 6 and is successfully interdicted
by one lone German Coastal Artillery unit, does that Allied unit become
Spent and are the Fortifications thereby destroyed? (Since the Amphibious
Assault Phase is over, it would appear rule 21.5 no longer applies.)
A. No, the Assaulting unit becomes D1 and the Fortifications are not destroyed.
(Communication from Don Greenwood. See also Consimworld Breakout:
Normandy folder, #1256-1296, May 23, 2001 - June 5, 2001)
Rule 21.6 and Setup
Q. Can Field Artillery units land in an Optional Assault on a Contested
Beach once the Fortification has been destroyed?
A. Yes. (General, volume 29, number 3, p. 62. See also Don
Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 22.3
Q. If the only Supply Source for a Victory Point Area is a Contested Beach,
do the Allies get credit for that Victory Point Area?
A. No. Supply and supply lines can be traced through a Contested Area
to the source, but a Contested Beach cannot supply anything outside its
own Area. Similarly, supply cannot be traced from a British-controlled
Area to a U.S. Beach for Victory Point purposes. (General,
volume 29, number 3, p. 62. See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Q. How do the Allies
"isolate Cherbourg"?
A. Create a chain of controlled Areas between Cherbourg and all Zones.
(Alan Applebaum's Q&A list.)
Rule 22.4
Q. If the winning standard is 9.6 Victory Points, can the Allies control
Areas worth just 8 VP, contest 7 more for the 9th VP and also contest
a further 6 for the win?
A. The issue has been controversial for quite some time. See Consimworld
Breakout: Normandy folder, #1696-1703, January 19-21, 2002
and #3465-3477, September 4-6, 2003. Don Greenwood's #3475 Consimworld
statement confirms the answer is 'yes'. See also Don Greenwood's official
FAQ and Errata
Rule 24.5
Q. If the Storm has already occurred before June 19th, what is the scheduled
weather on June 19th?
A. Overcast. (General, volume 29, number 3, p. 62. See also
Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
Rule 24.6
Q. What does the "2" mean on the back of the Allied Supply markers?
A. The Storm value of Allied Beach Depot as described in Rule 24.6.
volume 29, number 3, p. 62. See also Don Greenwood's official FAQ
and Errata listing.)
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