Online home of Philip Smith
Educator, mentor and consultant
2009 to July 2020: Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
This was a part-time post-retirement position. I was teaching courses on national accounts and price index theory and practice; working as a mentor to younger employees; and serving as a consultant on and contributor to various projects that are being conducted in the Macroeconomic Accounts Branch of the department. One of my projects was to author the User Guide: Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts, Statistics Canada catalogue 13-606-G.
Assistant Chief Statistician, Business and Trade Statistics Field
2007 to 2009: Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
I led a team of 1,100 people responsible for conducting business surveys and producing related statistics such as the Consumer Price Index and other price indexes, retail sales, manufacturing shipments, corporate financial statistics, agriculture statistics and international trade flows. I managed an annual budget of Cdn$80 million.
Assistant Chief Statistician, National Accounts and Analytical Studies Field
2001 to 2007: Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
I led a team of 370 people responsible for maintaining, updating and improving Canada's System of National Accounts statistics and conducting analytical studies addressing important economic issues of the day. I managed an annual budget of Cdn$25 million.
Director General, Project to Improve Provincial Economic Statistics
1996 to 2001: Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
I led a five-year corporate project focussed on expanding and improving Statistics Canada's system of provincial economic statistics. I matrix-managed 510 employees and an annual budget of Cdn$45 million.
Director, Industrial Organization and Finance Division
1996: Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
I directed a program focussed on collecting, analyzing and publishing statistical information about the financial position and degree of foreign ownership of Canadian business. I managed 100 employees and an annual budget of Cdn$5 million.
Director, National Accounts and Environment Division
1988 to 1995: Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
I directed a program focussed on the estimation and analysis of Canada's national and provincial income and expenditure accounts, financial flow and balance sheet accounts, and environmental statistics program. I managed 90 employees and an annual budget of Cdn$4 million.
Director, International Finance and Development Division
1986 to 1987: Finance Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
I advised the Minister of Finance on Canada's international financial relationships and on foreign aid and defence budget issues. I managed 35 employees and an annual budget of Cdn$3 million.
Director, Fiscal Policy Division
1981 to 1986: Finance Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
I advised the Minister of Finance on Canada's fiscal and budgetary policy and on the outlook for Government of Canada revenues, expenditures and budget balances. I managed 35 employees and an annual budget of Cdn$3 million.
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
1971 to 1973: Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Master of Arts in Economics
1970 to 1971: Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
1966 to 1970: McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
This web site is developed and maintained by Philip Smith